Thursday, July 10, 2008

So we took a sneak trip back to the states at the end of June. Matt needing surgery on his back. He was in the Portsmouth hospital on Saturday, took an exam on Monday and we were in the air by Wednesday. On Thursday he had a MRI and an appointment with the neuro-surgeon and that following Monday he went under the knife. One week laps time for surgery: not too shabby. We considered it a great blessing that everything worked out so well.
Six in the morning on the way to the airport. Morning never was a pretty time for me.

Willy after surgery. Even on drugs and in a hairnet he still looks handsome.

Happy couple on the happy day. They look marvelous.

Chill-axing at the wedding. Who sits like that after the age of 80?! Grandma, that's who.

Back to the island. Sigh.

We have a few shout outs to make concerning this trip:
R & C Williams - thanks for the fantastic accommodations. There's a big I.O.U. with your name on it that you can cash in 10 or 15 years from now!!
Michael aka 'servant boy' - thanks for all the rides and the tutorial on your iTouch. Also thank your wife for the cookies she sent with us for the trip back. Mmmmm, they were gone by Puerto Rico.
My cousin's in Denver - thanks for letting me slumber at your place.
Cafe Rio - Your pork salad tasted as good as I remembered.
Dr. Gardner - You did a bang up job on Willy's L5 - S1 disc. Thanks for penciling him in on your schedule that was booked out three months.
Hilmo - It was a dream come true that you traveled up to utah the week we were in town. Thanks for being the special person you are.
Hammy - thanks for getting hurt at Lake Powell so I could see more of your pretty face. And thanks for the ride to the airport at 5 am. You are a true friend.
Delta Airlines - Thanks for the great seats. It really helped my hubby's back to be able to stand during the flight. I love Delta.
Wimbeldon - Your tennis matches entertained us for hours when matt was bound to the bed. Although it would've been nice if you didn't have your final match with Roger and Rafael right during church on Sunday.
Mommacita - Thanks for the care package and all the good blogs to read. Even though you were three states away, it felt better than being a whole nation apart.
And finally MILK - We love you United States Milk and your delicious goodness. Parting with you was like losing a limb. See you again in August.


Becky said...

That was a gorgeous picture of Matt post-surgery. I'm sure he'll be anxious to take some post birthing pictures of you. Luckily I'm in charge of the film department and could easily loose those not so flattering pictures of myself during that time of duress.
I'm glad everything went well. You know why the milk tastes different here is because in Dominica it's Leches, not milk, duh!

Brooke Williams said...

yay, a post!! so fun to see pics of you, and hopefully we'll see more. you are back to oregon in august? we'll be back for christmas for sure, so i am excited to see you guys and the baby!!


A post! a POST! a poooooooooooost!
a post post post post! I dance! I sing! I giggles! I claps! I happy! I smile!

OK. enough.

Don't drink unpasturized milk. it has bacteria that can kill baby. I saw it on a lifetime movie. An ahmish girl did it. It must be true.

A POST! a post! a happy slappy dappy rappy post! de doast. la toast. pa roast.

Krista said...

We are so glad to have you guys back. It just wasn't the same without you!

Kasey said...

You are the cutest pregnant girl ever! Glad you guys had fun in the states and Matt got all fixed up.

Debbie said...

I ditto Kasey and your mommacita!