Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tiger time

Part of July

More pictures...less words.
The Rotary Gardens
The Lions
The Zoo
The Wading Pool
(What kind of mom is too lazy to slap on a swim diaper but not a swim suit?! This mom, that's who. Check out those long white legs though -miniature replicas of his daddy's legs.)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


June is all about the outdoors. We usually go to the park at least once a day. Yep, some people go to Europe in the Summer...we go to the park which is just as fun and exotic, right?! I'll try to get some pics of our exotic park trips in July.
Henry found these sunglasses in a field and couldn't be more stoked about it. Seriously.
Matt and Hens planting our little garden. We have yellow and red tomatoes and some peppers. Hopefully they will produce some good fruits for us to be proud of.
Planting is serious business.


I can't believe I only took a few pictures this month, but it is what it is. I think we even went to the zoo for the first time and an airplane show, which would've made for some great pics.
While Willy was doing his surgery rotation, we went to Utah and Oregon for a few weeks. Here Hens is getting reacquainted with his Oregon roots. On this day, we had a lovely meal at David and Lisa's. We ate outside and it was very fun talking about eating outside :)
Henry sleeping on the plane ride back to Wisconsin. The flight was 10 times better going home than it was leaving. He slept almost the whole time. It beats a kid crying for 45 minutes straight, thats for sure. I don't ever want to travel without me hubby again!


Henry at almost 18 months. He's turned into a little man...with no hair still.
Cousins, cousins, cousins. When we took a trip to Utah, Henry had a great time with all of his amigos. They are all just so nice to him. Unfortunately, I didn't take as many pictures as I should have of all the events.
The prettiest bride of 2010. I had a blast at her wedding. Great time.
Henry broke his leg when we were going down a slide together in early April. He stopped walking and would tuck his leg like a wounded wing until we got a cast on it. It was hard for him to slow down, but he recovered quickly and is up and running again.