Sunday, May 13, 2007

Entertainment, yes please

Once again, three weeks have passed since we last wrote. And what an interesting three weeks it was. Here is a quick run down:
1. Leigh finally discovered why the phrase "half an hour" or "I'll see you in an hour" was said with a "an" instead of a "a". Big news huh.
2. Willie got to take a quick trip to the city of angels with his friend Bryce to watch some major league baseball games. It was Team Williams first separation since the merging of their lives back in Feburary. Leigh made another discovery: Matt is her link to the outside social world. As Willie was at the games, Leigh found herself slipping into an addiction of watching America's Next Top Model marathons. She has yet to recover. The Angel's games were quite exciting for the male duo. They got to sit four rows behind the plate, on soft chairs, for free.
3. Leigh got a new job with a project management company called At Task, Inc. She enjoyed her position as a glorified secretary (Office Manager). But then she quit to do Real Estate -to make more money. But then she decided she liked At Task (its a really great company) and wants her job back. Last week she was juggling both jobs which made for a VERY grumpy girl. Good ol' Willy was able to tame the beast with his supportive shoulders and calming words.
4. The picture that is attached to this posting was taken of us in Europe in a 14th century village...Alright, you caught us -it's just a pic of us on top of the Y mountain. But it was a monumental hike because we swallowed our pride and decided it wasn't that dorky to hike the infamous Y trail. Utah is heating up so Team Williams started the trek up the mountain around 8:45 am. It is now our goal to go hiking every week to prepare Matt for a hike to King's Peak with the varsity scouts. We'll let you know how that goes.