Sunday, February 3, 2008

January Showers Bring Lots-O-Flowers

Here a collage of just some of the wonderous flowers and foliage found on the island. If you click on the pictures, it will zoom in closer. I took most of these on the way home from church until my camera ran out of batteries (sorry if some of them are blurry).
Speaking of church, did we mention that we walk to church in the mornings: forty minutes, in the rain, up hill -both ways?! No joke --it's crazy. I can't wait to tell my kids about how "hard" we had it. haha.
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Annie said...

Yes. You have it so hard, you chump.

*don't mind me and my hostility. i'm just a wee bit tired of the east and it's cruel joke that goes by the name of WINTER.

Becky said...

Those are beuatimus! Do I say I'm jealous enough? Well, I still am. I'm looking out on a grey, snowy, ugly day right now. I saw some aloe in one of your pics. I have an aloe plant here in MI and it struggles to survive. Deep down, to the bottom of it's pot, it knows it shouldn't be alive in Michigan. Like an Hawaiian in Alaska, weird.


Love the flowers. Flowers are my fabe rit. I am not jealous. I'm coming. Can't wait to roll around in the flowers.


p.s. nice touch putting them on the black background. Really made them pop so that everyone but me would be jealous.

Shalyse said...

BEAUTIOUS! Mommacita gave me your new address...i hope you weren't trying to hide from me! :-) Looks like you two love birds are having so much fun!