Friday, February 19, 2010

Cool Activities

For two years, we had the luxury of spending most of our time outside when it came to entertainment. Henry and I took a lot of walks and Matt played a bunch of tennis. And the beach, oh the glorious beach! It was awesome. Now, we've had to adapt to our artic surroundings. Indoor activities can be just as rad.
Janesville has their own hockey team. We got in free since it was Mercy Health night, the place Matt does his rotations. I love free events. We spent most of the night just chasing Henry around, but it was really good getting out on a Friday night. This pic was taken during the break between the first and second periods.

Every Wednesday we get to head to a local gymnastics place for Open Gym. We love it. Kids from about 12 months to 6 years old get to go wild in a huge, fun gym. There's a bunch of trampolines and gymnastics's equipment. In this pic, Hens worked on mastering the hula hoop. Very serious stuff.

This is about as far as we got up the rope...He's got "heighty" goals though.

This is Henry's friend Chase. He's a real cool kid and Henry loves doin stuff with him. And I love doing stuff with his Mom.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Sorry I haven't kept up on the blog post (I owe ya ma). Both Henry and I got hit with an awful cold that lasted about two weeks. We were miserable, but thankfully Dr. Willy was around to basically do everything. I'm a pathetic sick person which annoys the heck out of me, so I'm betting those who have to be around me are just as thrilled with my worthless state. Thankfully Henry has fully recovered and I only have a runny nose to deal with now.

So Henry is absolutely obsessed with this DVD called "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" that one of his grandparents sent him in the mail. Before this, he couldn't be less interested in tv or movies. The dvd is an animated version of some old children's books. Now he must watch "boom boom" (as he calls it) at least four times a day. On a day that I was feeling pretty sick, he watched it probably 10 times. It comes in handy when I need to keep him occupied for ten minutes or so. We just get such a kick out of how mesmerized he is during these little shows. Here's Hal chompin' on some corn on the cob while he intensely watches 'The Foolish Frog'. Enjoy...