Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We're back...

Okay, I'm sorry for the one month hiatus we took from writing on our blog. I just wasn't really feeling the blog sensation and Willy has been busy with the grinds of medical school, so he's off the hook. But I have no real excuse.....or do I?>>>>

Well, let me just preface my excuse with a picture.

I bought some of this today. What! Queso in a jar....gross. And I paid a good 15 EC ($7.00) for it. It looked so good on the shelf of the local grocery store. I had to have it. Cheese and carbs have been looking very tasty these past couple weeks. Cookies, blogs and the sound of my husband's sexy voice (things I have always previously enjoyed in large quantities) have brought me the verge of heaves.

So, I pose the question one more time: Do I have a good excuse for not blogging? Yes, I think I do. I'm pregnant. There, it's out on the impersonal world wide web now for all to know.
It's the oddest thing being pregnant. There are so many extremes. I feel like I am a big hyperbole now. Your body changes, you want to cry during episodes of Law & Order, you can eat a ton and then you can't eat at all, you want to nap all the time, you have really strong rude opinions about everything, something is growing inside of you, the smell of certain foods makes you feel like you are going to die...and you get this super exciting feeling that your life is going to never be the same again, but it's a good thing.
Anyways, I'm just getting over the "bad" weeks of being pregnant. I hope to blog a little more
often from now on. I'd also like to publicly send a shout out to my super cool and supportive hubby. He's been so nice and patience with my abnormal emotions and fickle stomach. Although I'm probably biased, I think our kid is going to have the best dad in the world.


Annie said...

I'm so glad you decided to share it with the world.

So don't expect the constant hyperboles to end, like when it's 3 in the morning and it won't stop crying and you feel like you want to throw it out the window but at the same time, you're thinking how you would literally throw myself into oncoming traffic for this kid.

Welcome to motherhood, friend.

Taryn said...

Yahoooo! Congrats Leigh! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you used the word "hyperbole" to describe your experience. Who says English class isn't relevant later in life????

Breckan said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations Matt and Leigh. I'm really excited for both of you.

Adam Harward said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you guys. Keep posting its my only contact with you two.

Amber said...

Congrats Leigh! I came across your blog through Shalyse and wanted to say HI! Being a mom is the best thing ever...enjoy every minute of being pregnant!! Our blog is!
Amber (Olson) Payne :)

Emily said...

YEEAAHH for Leigh & Matt!!! So glad you kids are getting on board with the kids thing. Hope all goes well and keep a supply of Saltine crakers close at all times (to help with the nausea).

Daisha said...

yeah . . I heard the news form your mom (and my mom too :))!! SO sorry you've been sick, I totally remember not even being able to be close by Cole when I was pregnant with macie . . . his "smell" made me vomit. best of luck!

Kasey said...

I'm so excited! Congrats you guys! Shawna may be having her baby this weekend. Babies, babies all around!

Kasey said...

I love meat, but when I'm pregnant even the words hotdog, hamburger or chicken makes we want to hurl! Isn't is fun? Welcome to pregnancy, welcome. It does go away though. Give it 9 months.

Shalyse said...

HOLY CRAP...WA-HOO! I am SO excited for you guys! How cool is that. You guys will both be the FUNNEST parents ever...can't wait to see the blonde bombshell! :-)

Debbie said...

I just taught "hyperbole" in my class today---I'm with Taryn--to see it used brings hope to my teacher soul. Congrats on the baby. So exciting. Shawna is about to hatch---probably within the next couple of days. More blond Garlocks running around. Yeah!!

Becky said...

No cookies? Well, I guess that's a good thing not to be craving those. I hope you will soon return to a normal appetite. Though, I never did until the last 2 months. The night before we, I mean I, had Isaac, I made Chris make me peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. So every time we have those I think about going into labor. Mostly because I got up at 5 am with labor pains and couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well do dishes and eat cookies. Everyone is different. By the way Isaac really likes those cookies too.

Beth said...

Hip hooray for cousin Leighbers! The first one is always a roller coaster ride. Hold on tight, life will never be the same.


Why is no one congratulating me?

ps. LOVEE the blog. mommy happy

Hillary said...

CONGRATULATIONS LEIGH!!! I am so excited for you guys!!! A little blonde island baby -- good times! Now when you come home and drive by my old house, you'll have TWO excuses to hurl!!

Anonymous said...

That is so freakin' awesome! Congrats to both of you...and your mom too! :)

Nani said...

A big high-five and Congrats to both of you AND Grandma Garlock!
Leigh, I bet you are still gorgeous even when you are green and and bowing to the porcelain throne. Can't wait to meet the mini.

Love Gobs, Shawnee

Meredith said...

congrats! so will the happy babe have dual citizenship? he/she will be able to brag about being born in the caribbean for the rest of its life! it'll also be indecently cute. a lethal combo. dual citizenship and good looks. enjoy your queso!


19 comments. Wowzers, you are loved! I refuse, however to get pregnant for comments on my blog.

Kasey said...

Auntie Mary, come on, have mother/daughter babies. I keep telling my mom too. She's not down!

Emily said...

So if your Queso cheese cost 7 doll-hairs how much did your pregnancy test (better know as the 'pee on me' stick) cost. I want details, when is this blonde bombshell coming. And if Mary won't get pregnant to pull in more comments she should at least meet the Pregnant Man/Woman from Oprahs show and blog about that (that would be a great blog). I hear he live in Oregon.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Leigh and Matt! One more new face and name for me to learn at the next Garlock Reunion!
So exciting!

jakenapril said...

Congratulation Leigh! I'm guessing that this is just the beginning of the weird cravings...Queso in a jar...yum!


thanks for the shout out leighbers.

Kurt & Shawn said...

Leighbers, you will look so cute pregnant!! Tall always carries well and the smells are interesting. I couldn't stand your Uncle Kurt's cologne or the smell of the leather in his car. We rode separately for several months but little Bethie was worth it. Being an empty nester now, I see how fast those smelly times went by. Congrats to you from your favorite auntie and Mommacita, of course, job well done!!! Tall does carry well.


Stop looking at all the blog comments and write a dang post. you kill me.


yep I'm back. Still hoping for a new blog post that I can check everyday for 30 days until the next one comes out.

Springer Splatter said...

Leigh, Congrats to you both! Like Emily, I like to know details. When is this baby due? You will have to keep us posted through the blog.
Are you and matt going to be able to come home for the class reunion this July? Can you believe that it's been 10 years?!?!
Can't wait to watch you grow; hope the heat of paridise doesn't get to you. :)

Nicki said...

WOW! Well congrats to you! Parenthood is theee greatest... who'd have thought that the rewards for sleep deprivation far exceed any greater happiness?! :) So happy for you guys!


yep, me again. ever hopeful. love the williams family. ever so much.