Hello A,
This ones for you. I am attempting to communicate with you through a blog. I thought it would be nice to give you some little updates in the form of a list. And a'here we gooooooo:
1.What am I doing right this minute...Rolling my eyes at my hubby. He just informed me that one can of salsa lasted for one bag of chips. And then he looked like he accomplished something. Oh, wait -my 'rolling eyes' attitude has now changed into me thinking he is quite cute. I cannot lie, I am smitten.
2. How did I know you wanted an update...I read my mom's blog. She was talking about all the old junk she needed to throw away of her kids. Shamefully I admit, the tags were mine. She probably had to throw out boxes, old newspaper comic pages and the other COMPLETE weird and useless things I would keep through the years. I think I kept a roll of toilet paper that had hearts on it for more than ten years...stupid.
3. What do I do all day long in the Bahamas...I play with Henry. Here is a recent picture of him.
Its nice to have visual breaks.
4. How often do I think about how bummed I am that you are not coming out here...Often to quite often. Single tear. The only thing that distracts me for my disappointment is knowing that others will make the trip out here (hooray j-boogie).
5. Do I secretly wish that I could live on the same street as you and have our husbands work together at the same office and write/illustrate children's books with you and take vacations to your hometown with you and reap the benefits of your crafty slash artistic endeavors....why yes, yes I do.
Miss ya. The end.