Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We're back...

Okay, I'm sorry for the one month hiatus we took from writing on our blog. I just wasn't really feeling the blog sensation and Willy has been busy with the grinds of medical school, so he's off the hook. But I have no real excuse.....or do I?>>>>

Well, let me just preface my excuse with a picture.

I bought some of this today. What! Queso in a jar....gross. And I paid a good 15 EC ($7.00) for it. It looked so good on the shelf of the local grocery store. I had to have it. Cheese and carbs have been looking very tasty these past couple weeks. Cookies, blogs and the sound of my husband's sexy voice (things I have always previously enjoyed in large quantities) have brought me the verge of heaves.

So, I pose the question one more time: Do I have a good excuse for not blogging? Yes, I think I do. I'm pregnant. There, it's out on the impersonal world wide web now for all to know.
It's the oddest thing being pregnant. There are so many extremes. I feel like I am a big hyperbole now. Your body changes, you want to cry during episodes of Law & Order, you can eat a ton and then you can't eat at all, you want to nap all the time, you have really strong rude opinions about everything, something is growing inside of you, the smell of certain foods makes you feel like you are going to die...and you get this super exciting feeling that your life is going to never be the same again, but it's a good thing.
Anyways, I'm just getting over the "bad" weeks of being pregnant. I hope to blog a little more
often from now on. I'd also like to publicly send a shout out to my super cool and supportive hubby. He's been so nice and patience with my abnormal emotions and fickle stomach. Although I'm probably biased, I think our kid is going to have the best dad in the world.