Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fall is here and I'm not in school...

Okay, so it is autumn again in Provo, the leaves in Provo canyon are turning all sorts of colors, mornings are crisp, Nordstrom's is packed on Saturdays with all the returning students spending Mom and Dad's Fall semester stipend... and don't even think about trying to get a bench at 24 hour fitness after 5 pm. For about the last decade or so fall in Provo has meant that both Leigh and I have been neck deep in procrastination as we plowed through another semester at the Coug. This one, however, is different. We have no classwork responsibilities, no homework responsibilities, and unfortunately until recently... no backup plan. But alas, we have begun a new chapter in our lives and are beginning to plan accordingly. Matt has found amusement driving to work each morning and watching sleepy-eyed students somnambulating to their 8 o'clock classes... Leigh has been the epitome of effectiveness at home taking care of all traditional domestic projects as well as working as a real estate agent (an occupation which has thus far brought her no satisfaction) and a massage therapist. All in all we have had a ton of fun... traveled a bit and enjoyed each others company.

Congrats! Congrats! to Andi and Aaron Trammell who announced they are getting married next friday, October 12th. That makes a bakerssss dozen marriages for Richard and Camille this year. Pretty cool... all our best to those two kids and their collective 7 studly boys...


Jared*Shawna*Skye*Bree said...

It's about you got some new posts man!! lol j/k glad life is going great for you guys. Peace out

Debbie said...

Your Auntie Debbie here again. So just disregard my last comment I made on your last post about an hour ago. I take back all the snotty comments I made about your lack of posts. Cute couple.

Shalyse said... I found your cute blog! now I can spy on your fun married life! I miss you. ours is

later skater!

Kasey said...

I'm excited to see a new post! You guys are so cute! Can't wait to really meet your hubby.


It is definative. I will use the word somnambulating in my next public speaking assignment. Glad you are back to the blog. Loved that 1975 called, but laughed out loud at the three strapping Garlocks. Where was little Pasty? M

Kris "to the" Ten said...

leigh lo how's married life? I hear Mitch isn't to far behind???

The Garlocks.... said...

Hey, this is Brooke Garlock, (I'm married to Leigh's cousin Troy and my brother is Preston Gardner) Anyways, since that was so long to write... I am so jealous that you get to have a fall. We are still in the 90 degrees and I am ready for the leaves to change! I wish I was in Provo Canyon looking at the leaves! You guys should come down and visit! Feb. is the best month because most people are sick of the snow and we have great weather! So, this world gets smaller, but Mitch is in my little brothers Spanish class! Funny of all the little connections! See ya!