Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jennifer the Great

This is my beautiful cousin Jennifer. And this is her day in the blogging world.
Every member of Team Williams is thinking about you today. We pray for you nightly too. And you are just so fantastic. Thanks for all the meals through out the years. Thanks for all of the relationship talks when I (leigh) was single. Thanks for being such a great example of someone who gives service to others so willingly. You are also a great example on how someone should be a mother, wife and friend.
Please get better -all the way better- soon.

Five and a Half Months

Hey everybody...its Halbert. Seeing that my mother has deeply neglected blogging about my milestones in life, I've decided to once again take over and toot toot my own horn about what I've been up to as of late. Let me tell you -it is not easy being a baby. Infancy was cake compared to what I go through now....

My mom keeps the harnesses extra tight on my stroller, cuz I am a wiggly worm. I also have to always wear a hat and blankets to keep the UVs off my delicate skin. I always kick off those darn blankets when we take walks, so my mom just circles around the shady about paranoid...its not like I am the whitest baby ever. I'm a close second, but I'm not the whitest.
Here's a nice shot of me sitting with my toys. Aren't I a happy baby?! This is where I use to have my play area, but I kept on trying to eat the DVD/VCR machine so now I'm in a different spot. I liked those wires in the background a lot too. Maybe one day I'll have a true interest in techy stuff and become the first boy with Garlock blood to be able to fix things. Thanks again Williams family for your great 'can do' genes.

Now you grandmas out there, DON'T PANIC. Yes, I did hurt myself, but I'm okay now. This is my first earth wound and it was a good one. I was crawling around on the bed and hit my nose on the corner of the bedstand. My mom watched me do the whole thing. She actually saved me from more damage because I was headed off the bed too and she caught me before I hit the ground. I don't get to play on the beds as much as I use to anymore. Not a big deal though...I've learned something new that will keep my parents on their toes...

Standing. Yep, I can pull myself up on just about anything. I don't know how to fall correctly yet, so my mom has to follow me around everywhere I go before I hit my head on the tile floors. She thinks it is very tiring, but hey, she signed up for this and I'm cute.
So thats what's been going on for the past week or two. I, I mean my mom still has to post pictures of when we had visitors here on the island. Thanks for looking. Henry, the baby, out.