Merry Christmas! We have been moving to Wisconsin during the Holiday season so I have no new pictures of our adventures. So mom, here is a post about old news. I will try to catch everyone up in the next post, but for now -please enjoy some photography from HENRY'S BIRTHDAY back in November (its like watching an old movie on tv...still entertaining if you like the movie).

The whole night Henry had this proud look on his face like he had done something right. It was hilarious. Although, one whole year of life is an accomplishment, so he should be proud. We were quite proud of ourselves too for getting to this point. Raising a kid is a TRIP! We have loved having Henry around. He is such a cool little guy.

Once again, look at that face! He knew that candle was something special.

Oh, the Carousel -one of Salem, Oregon's finest forms of entertainment. For a $1.50 you can take a ride of your life :) Henry had actually never been on any kind of amusement ride. He took it very seriously and held onto his horse like it was his job. We only took two rides though because it was making me sick going around and around.