Saturday, October 18, 2008

LAZY blog

As ya'll who visit this blog have already figured out, I am a lazy blogger. Lazy, Lazy, Lazy. Anyways, here's a fun little update.

This is Willy with a cup of water that came from his shower/sink on the island. Hurricane Omar hit just north of Dominica this past week. They closed the school down for one day because of the flooding and heavy rains. Willy spent the whole day at school since the power went out at our place. No lights, no tv, and brown water. Mmmmm -love that brown water.
This is me and the belly. Me-oh-my, we have both grown in the past month or two. I should be ready to pop soon. The baby still has no name. Poor Baby No Name Williams. There are a few names that Matt and I both like, but nothing is stickin'. Suggestions are always welcomed.
Well, this lazy blogger has come to the end of the post. Until next time....adieu.