Sunday, November 11, 2007


On November 11th the nation honors all those who served in the armed forces. I join with many in giving my thanks for those who willingly sacrifice to ensure that their fellow citizens are able to walk, worship, raise families and raise protest under the treasured banner of freedom. One of the most sobering experiences of my life has been the opportunity to talk with veterans from both the WWII and the war in Vietnam. As they shared their experiences with me, I was moved. Hearing their stories of faith and sacrifice had such an impact on me. Shakespeare wrote: "He who sheds his blood with me today, shall be my brother..." How much stronger then should our hearts be tethered to those who shed their blood for us? To all those who have served, currently serve, and the families of veterans -I offer a sincere but somewhat inadequate thank you. Your sacrifices have made a difference. I hope within each of us is a desire to live morally correct. To live honestly, to be charitable, to exercise our freedoms in such a manner as to be worthy of the price that liberty cost.

List of a few great war movies:

  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Saints at War Documentry
  • The Longest Day
  • The War -Documentry directed by Ken Burns
  • Band of Brothers HBO Series
  • Tora! Tora! Tora!
  • Letter from Iwo Jima

Sunday, October 21, 2007

San Francisco... That's fun to say...

I sincerely wish I knew how to rotate this photo... sorry all- someone give me the tutorial via comment please... We spent the week in San Francisco (known in french as the city of lights) with Leigh's mother and Uncle David. What a city it is! Leigh massaged computer types at a convention in San Jose monday-Thursday and Matt flew out to play for the weekend. It was voted (2-0) to be our favorite vacation as of yet. We spent thursday getting free stuff at Leigh's convention and walking around San Jose. Friday we joined Leigh's Mom and Uncle David walking around the San Fran piers. We toured a liberty ship, saw the aquarium and realized that Matt was the only one in the whole city wearing shorts... at least they weren't his denim pair...

We enjoyed great views of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge, all which were wonderous to behold. Shopping in the square brought big city feel and gave us a chance to check out the architecture of the city which give the city so much culture. It was so much fun to hang around with the Walton siblilngs. Kudos, kudos to Uncle David for being such an amazing tour guide and gracious host. All in all we give the trip 4 1/2 out of 5 stars... (half star deduction for Matt's blatant exposure of his white calves...)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weddings R Us and the blue room

The Blue Room in the Manti LDS Temple... Have you been there? It's breath-taking. It's better than one million dollars. It's one of life's wonderful surprises. If you attend the temples and haven't been to this one, GO. If you're not yet a member of the LDS church, BECOME ONE, so you can experience the pure joy of sitting in a bluerfect room of blue goodness.

In all seriousness though, the Manti Temple is a wonderful place. Matt and I got to attend Andie and Aaron Trammel's awesome wedding slash sealing there on October 12, 2007. The day started early at around 5:30am with the long travel to Manti in a covered wagon. Psych, we actually got to ride in a pimpin Cadillac. Very comfortable and smooth automobile.

Amiee Garner, a friend of ours from Church, was kind enough to come to Manti on such short notice to be the wedding photographer. The blonde Williams' clan mixed with the brunette-filled Trammel family made for some very attractive shots. Like clock work, neither Matt nor myself remembered to bring a camera to take pictures of the lovely event -hence you get a picture of the manti temple instead of a picture of the happy couple.

After pictures, everyone in the wedding party mingled at a texas roadhouse and enjoyed some good eats. We then traveled back to Provo, five deep in a Geo Prism singing to the local radio station's old 1990's hits (Bryan Adams was rippin up the charts).

All in all, it was a great event.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fall is here and I'm not in school...

Okay, so it is autumn again in Provo, the leaves in Provo canyon are turning all sorts of colors, mornings are crisp, Nordstrom's is packed on Saturdays with all the returning students spending Mom and Dad's Fall semester stipend... and don't even think about trying to get a bench at 24 hour fitness after 5 pm. For about the last decade or so fall in Provo has meant that both Leigh and I have been neck deep in procrastination as we plowed through another semester at the Coug. This one, however, is different. We have no classwork responsibilities, no homework responsibilities, and unfortunately until recently... no backup plan. But alas, we have begun a new chapter in our lives and are beginning to plan accordingly. Matt has found amusement driving to work each morning and watching sleepy-eyed students somnambulating to their 8 o'clock classes... Leigh has been the epitome of effectiveness at home taking care of all traditional domestic projects as well as working as a real estate agent (an occupation which has thus far brought her no satisfaction) and a massage therapist. All in all we have had a ton of fun... traveled a bit and enjoyed each others company.

Congrats! Congrats! to Andi and Aaron Trammell who announced they are getting married next friday, October 12th. That makes a bakerssss dozen marriages for Richard and Camille this year. Pretty cool... all our best to those two kids and their collective 7 studly boys...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Reunion pics...get ready to meet the Garlocks

This is the Oregon Coast. The coast usually packs a triple punch with rain, wind and cold. We caught the week that it wasn't rainy which only happens about five days a year.

The paddle boats were quite a hit after 1975 called and wanted their speed boat back...the paddle boats were faster anyways, especially with three strapping Garlocks manning the paddles. And check out that white meat on matt's thigh. Yah baby.

We have skits every night with the different families representing. This is the Patty's family doing some sort of Giant Head skit. Our family did an Antiques Roadshow spoof. The Tommy's took the cake though with there Garlock Hai-kus.

Other relatives in very candid shots. This was the night of Grandma Margaret's 84th birthday.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Entertainment, yes please

Once again, three weeks have passed since we last wrote. And what an interesting three weeks it was. Here is a quick run down:
1. Leigh finally discovered why the phrase "half an hour" or "I'll see you in an hour" was said with a "an" instead of a "a". Big news huh.
2. Willie got to take a quick trip to the city of angels with his friend Bryce to watch some major league baseball games. It was Team Williams first separation since the merging of their lives back in Feburary. Leigh made another discovery: Matt is her link to the outside social world. As Willie was at the games, Leigh found herself slipping into an addiction of watching America's Next Top Model marathons. She has yet to recover. The Angel's games were quite exciting for the male duo. They got to sit four rows behind the plate, on soft chairs, for free.
3. Leigh got a new job with a project management company called At Task, Inc. She enjoyed her position as a glorified secretary (Office Manager). But then she quit to do Real Estate -to make more money. But then she decided she liked At Task (its a really great company) and wants her job back. Last week she was juggling both jobs which made for a VERY grumpy girl. Good ol' Willy was able to tame the beast with his supportive shoulders and calming words.
4. The picture that is attached to this posting was taken of us in Europe in a 14th century village...Alright, you caught us -it's just a pic of us on top of the Y mountain. But it was a monumental hike because we swallowed our pride and decided it wasn't that dorky to hike the infamous Y trail. Utah is heating up so Team Williams started the trek up the mountain around 8:45 am. It is now our goal to go hiking every week to prepare Matt for a hike to King's Peak with the varsity scouts. We'll let you know how that goes.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Picture to Stare hard

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Jobs and what not

What a difference three weeks makes... since the last update, Leigh has finished her third educational pursuit and got officially licenced as a bonafide agent. So the score becomes 3-love for the better half... (Yes we keep very detailed score here... we divide the weekly points by BMI, and then times by conversion factor of 71.4 to see who does saturday laundry...) Willy made a good faith attempt at getting into a grad program by squeaking in a couple applications with only hours to spare on the deadlines... I would not recommend it as a strategy. Leigh has got her hands full Covey-izing her affectionate, but slightly disorganized husband.

New this week: Leigh has had 2 non-sick days in a row, Mary I think she heeded your advice about faking illness, she has been sick clear through A-rods record setting spring... We are both really hoping that this nasty little bug is out of the schneebs for good and she can return to her chipper energetic old self. Matt's dip into the construction world ( being done in the mean time while he finds more ways to put off applications for next year...) has been true to the adage feast or famine. We're still waiting for some bids to get accepted and hopefully it will spur steady employment and insurance and all. Leigh decided to take matters into her own hands last week, called up a friend and got a job the next day as the office manager for a software company- @ TASK. She continues her midas streak of being gold at anything she wants to do. We have somehow despite illness, joblessness, and all, been blessed with all that is needful for us to survive and in fact live confortably.
We recently got called to be the YM and YW presidents in our ward, thus proving the theory of callings via dart-board. It has been fun to get out of 'singles ward land' however and to meet with young people. On to the next episode shortly we are hoping- Love to all... Matt and Leigh

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Hello world. Well, we did it! We made it to the month mark in marriage on March 17th. It's all smooth sailing from here - are we right folks?! To celebrate the joyous occasion Matt tried to woo leigh with a little fine dining at the local Chuck-O-Rama. Sad to say Leigh loved the idea, but when they got there she fell ill and couldn't stand in line with the other Chuck-O-Rama enthusiasts. Alas, another special day will have to come before hitting the buffet again. Maybe Arbor Day?
Things are rolling right along for Team Williams. Matt has been finishing up a construction job on a very steep roof top. His partner slipped and fell off the 15-foot roof after a snow storm. Yikes! Matt also had his last basketball league games for the Provo and American Fork areas. Its not certain if he'll be returning next year, since the bumps and bruises that he got at the games were worse than a 15 round boxing match. 30-year-old men are feisty. Leigh didn't do much these past few weeks. After feeling sick on the seventeenth, she went into the doctor and found out she was pregnant. HAHA. Just kidding. She actually had a bad intestine infection that has required her to take four antibiotics per day. Slow recovering is the name of the game. She will be quite grateful for good health when it finally comes back.
Well until next time...GO OHIO STATE!! Beat that girl Noah to the ground.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

No tv and still surviving

Contrary to popular belief, there is life after television. Leigh has proposed, against fierce but loving protest by her ESPN addicted husband Matthew, that the purchase of a television and cable TV package should wait until we are somewhat established and have some steady income from which to budget(if that's what we choose...) Matt comes from years of training himself to be aware of virtually everything associated with sports television in the month of March (ahh the ruckus that is March madness!..)lest he should be left unprepared for any water-cooler conversation that starts with, "Did you see that game..." sadly, at this point, Willie would have to retort sheepishly..."No, No I didn't"... Sad it is, but not to fret, this lack of tube time has allowed us to get spend a majority of time doing old-fashioned, out of date things like... talking with each other... visiting friends... setting goals... contemplating future plans... and even growing closer by enjoying each others company... I know, you are all asking yourselves, "should I call comcast and set up an intervention?"... but rest your minds, all is well. The time has been a refreshing reminder of what is needful in life.
Ah how the events in our lives are colored by our environment... We were excited to share our first sunday together actually attending our proper ward that we are officially supposed to be attending-(the previous 3 sundays were the product of traveling, and/or misinformation about start times, etc...) Church here starts at 9 AM sharp, much to Leigh's delight...missed the first hour because both of us were not in the know about daylight savings. Leigh's optimism thought it a blessing.
Other news:
Matt's brother Mike got married to Melissa on March 9th. It was the second greatest marriage of 2007.
Leigh graduated from Real Estate school and will be taking her licencing exam this coming week and then be putting her whatever it is to the grindstone to make some money for the Williams' team.
Matt starts a fantastic job with Aaron Trammell and crew working construction this next week. We are stoked about the good company and great opportunity until medical school comes our way.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The beginning...

It was the 17th day of february the weather was kind, the sun was ablaze, the sea was angry... but all were happy. The wedding went down without a hitch... (perhaps the wrong expression?...) It was in fact thirty years to the day that Leigh's parents were married in the salt lake temple. A special occasion it was. Our thanks to all who attended and/or sent well wishes. Our special thanks to Leigh's grandpa JR Walton who performed the ceremony in the Mt. Timp temple, it could not have been done with more love or spirit. We give much deep and sincere appreciation to Davin and JeriLyn Stilson and family who so readily let us invade their home for an evening and family dinner afterward, you may have your house back... Another big thank you to Dave and Shawnee Young who so kindly and readily opened their home and cupboards to the Williams crew up in Salem...Also, to Matt's parents for the help given with all this, your 29 years of instruction and coaxing your handsome 2nd son were not in vein... you may relish this moment and accomplishment without conscience. To Leigh's mother we say thank you for all the efforts, artistry and care put into all of the activities. I, Matt, thank you for teaching your daughter the ways of a mother in Zion (much by example no doubt), she is already a pro. Finally to all who took part, traveled, or otherwise shared this day with us we say thank you for being a part of our lives, we look forward to continued associations and pleasing times... that being said... WOOHOO! Willy scored a red hot smokin' wife!! We are doing well so far, getting settled in our humble downtown Provo (the city of lights... origionally discovered by famous explorer leonardo dicaprio in 1941) abode and gettin Leigh through her real estate school. This puts her in the category of true reniassance woman, accomplished in everything she puts her mind to (I reiterate to previous WOOHOO!). Willy will continue to pursue the american dream of one day having a real job... that is the update for now. Life has been well blessed for us both, we are grateful to a loving Father who has directed this whole set up from the start...

P.S. Jake and Jenny... very strategic pick of dumpy little provo apartments...